Aquanatomycourses are foundational classes in human anatomy specifically designed for Aquatic Bodyworkers. Our journey is from textbook to bodywork, with time to explore in the pool. We will zoom in to specific anatomical structures and then zoom out again to acknowledge the totality.Aquanatomy is better than an average anatomy course becausewe consider the effects of gravity, or lack thereof, hydrodynamics, weights and floats, flexibility, mammilian development and the neurological effects of warm water immersion.
In the first course,Floating the Bones, we dive into the deep end with names and functions of the bones, muscles and joints including basic anatomical language. Their relationships to each other and their relationship to the Water is the heart of this class.
The second course,The Fascial System for Aquatic Bodyworkersweaves together the two worlds of fascianating fascia and aquatic bodywork. We will look at the latest in fascial theory, fascial movement and come to a new visual map of how aquatic techniques uniquely promote fascial health.
Both of these courses expand your anatomical literacy so that you can confidently give safe sessions, communicate easily and professionally with clients, colleagues and health care providers and deepen your own proprioception.
Each Aquanatomy course satisfies theHealing DancePractitioner anatomy & physiology requirementas well as WATSU®
certification when taken through an approvedWABAtraining institute.
Prerequisite:Any introductory WABA/ WATA water class
Healing Dance is an holistic, aquatic technique developed by Alexander George in 1993. It consists today of eleven trainings. In eight of these, techniques are taught in which the receiver remains on the surface of the water. The three remaining trainings are subaquatic, featuring a variety of submergings with the receiver wearing a nose clip. The guiding philosophy of the work is that movement is the "medicine" and in the experience of "received dance" the healing process in the body is activated. Students learn to create the sensation of lightness and weightlessness, to generate a rhythmic field and to find the various "rhythms of awareness" for clients. Physical and emotional blockages are resolved in the polarity between freedom and security. Advanced body mechanics are taught to create movements of greater subtlety and sensitivity. As the vocabulary of movements expands students become more confident to accompany the self-generated movements of the client.
Ethos is the word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community or ideology. Ethics is the word we use to describe the moral principles by which behaviors can be judged as right or wrong.
As a community, Aquatic Bodyworkers share common values, and have developed guidelines of behavior that protect the spirit of the work, as well as its’ receivers, givers, students, teachers and others who interact with our commuinty.
In this class we will look at these codes of ethics together so we can see how these beliefs and values come to life through everyday decision making. You will be able to define basic ethical principles, gain clarity on what your personal and professional values are, practice specific tools for effective communication - (especially when there are conflicting values), and have strategies for resolving ethical dilemmas and awkward situations. There will be time for questions and answers, role plays and “what ifs?” While the concepts are brainy, come with an open mind, bring your thoughts, opinions and be prepared to laugh - a lot.
Whether you have arrived at therapeutic touch by foot or fin - this course expands your conception of what is possible through intentional touch. Water and land are different mediums, with gravity shifting its character accordingly.
During this course we bring the “waterness” to sessions on land, and conversely learn how to apply pressure when in water in a manner that feels deeply satisfying. By the end of this course you will understand what “quality of touch” is and how to apply touch in the most meaningful way.
You will also know how to apply a variety of massage techniques to the whole body on landANDin water. Finally, with a kinesthetic awareness of how bodies interact with gravity on land, you will have a deeper appreciation for the joys of manual therapy in warm water.
This class can be customized based on student interest.